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Table 2 Example of the analysis process from meaning units to category -Experiences of different relationships

From: Exploring dog ownership in the lives of people with substance use disorder: a qualitative study

Meaning unit

Condensed meaning unit (codes)



“With a dog you meet other dog owners, not just dog owners, other people too that stop and, `how is the dog´, you get to know people, just like that, through the dog, and suddenly someone you meet maybe becomes part of your network and you get to know people, people have a need for a network, I am an older man, you know. It’s not so easy to find a network anymore as a 50-year-old man.”

Difficult to find a network. Through the dog, one meets dog owners and other people, who can be part of one´s network

Finding a network

You get to know people

“But you know, but it gives a responsibility both economically and physical, but to feel a part of society, and feel that you are part of the system, that’s what the dog does.”

The dog makes one feel part of society

Being part of society

“I have two daughters. I think for them too it is good to know that I am not alone, that they can relate something positive to me and my life. They know I cannot be drug free but at the same time, there is a safety, as when they think about mamma it was just sad and drugs but now they know it’s not like that, now it’s [dog name] and walks in the forest.”

Before the dog, the daughters thought about mamma as alone, sad and unsafe. Now they relate something positive to mamma´s life

Creating safety and more positive relationships