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Table 1 Sociodemographic of the sample

From: A cross sectional survey of internet use among a highly socially disadvantaged population of tobacco smokers


Response option

Total (n = 369)

n (%)


Mean (SD)

40 (11)

Median (min, max)

38 (19, 88)



150 (41%)

Housing status

Own house

11 (3.0%)

Rental house

142 (38%)

With family or friends/hotel, motel/no home, street living

53 (14%)

Supported accommodation/government housing

152 (41%)


11 (3.0%)

Indigenous Australian status

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

78 (21%)

Marital status

Married/defacto/living with partner

72 (20%)

Highest level of education

Primary school

61 (17%)

Secondary or less

236 (64%)

Tertiary qualifications

72 (20%)

Weekly income amount (net)

Less than $200 per week

100 (29%)

Between $201 and $400 per week

161 (47%)

More than $400 per week

78 (23%)

Source of income

Paid employment (either full or part time)

18 (4.9%)

Government pension or benefit

337 (91%)


14 (3.8%)

  1. SD standard deviation