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Table 1 Participant demographics and baseline characteristics (N = 20)

From: The feasibility of using smartphones and mobile breathalyzers to monitor alcohol consumption among people living with HIV/AIDS

Average age

47.35 (± 9.56)

 Sexual orientation


8 (40%)


1 (5%)


9 (45%)


2 (10%)



13 (65%)


7 (35%)


 Black/African American

14 (70%)

 American Indian or Alaskan Native

2 (10%)


6 (30%)

Highest level of education attained

 Some high school

6 (30%)

 High school degree

1 (5%)

 Some college

10 (50%)

 College degree

2 (10%)

 Graduate degree

1 (5%)



11 (55%)


5 (25%)


3 (15%)


1 (5%)

Employment status


4 (20%)


11 (55%)


5 (25%)

Current relationship status

 Not having sex, no partner/significant other

9 (45%)

 Having sex, but with more than one partner

2 (10%)

 Having sex with just one partner, but for less than 6 months

1 (5%)

 Having sex with just one partner for 6 months or longer

8 (40%)

Average time since diagnosis

13.82 years (± 9.28)

Medication adherence

 What percent of medication taken in the past month

85.83 (±24.69)

 Average missed doses in the past week

0.47 (± 1.81)

Alcohol use

 AUDIT score

11.12 (± 8.31)

 Average days participant consumed alcohol in past month

10.32 (± 8.54)

 Average days participant had five or more drinks in past month

3.95 (± 7.48)