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Table 1 Description of Wireframes

From: Integrating patient perspectives in the development of a mobile health intervention to address chronic pain and heavy drinking in primary care: a qualitative study of patients in an urban, safety-net hospital setting

Wireframe Slide

Intervention Component


Slides 1 & 2

Layout/home screen

Provided a brief description of the program’s purpose and instructions for accessing the menu. Menu content included “modules, tracker, progress, scheduler, strategies, and coaching”

Slides 3 & 4

Modules page

Provided an overview of the different topics for each week’s 10-min lesson and a sample of module 1 content: understanding how pain is related to alcohol use and medical conditions

Slide 5

Video skill demonstration

Featured an example of how pain management strategies would be introduced through video demonstrations, in this case, for progressive muscle relaxation

Slide 6


Presented an overview of the tracker feature which would allow participants to track pain intensity, triggers, and coping mechanisms for a given day

Slide 7


Displayed how progress would be tracked and graphed weekly for both alcohol use and pain intensity

Slide 8


Provided information and personalized feedback regarding participant alcohol use in comparison to national averages

Slides 9 & 10

Strategy scheduler

Provided an overview of how to use the program scheduler to track goals and set up specific times and reminders to practice strategies each week

Slide 11

Post-strategy ratings

Presented how to evaluate mood and track success after completing a strategy or activity

Slide 12

Strategies tab

Displayed where to quickly access the compiled list of strategies for a quick reminder

Slides 13 & 14


Demonstrated how to schedule appointments and access the health coach via instant messaging for personalized participation

Slides 15 & 16


Provided examples of four types of push notifications the participant would receive in the program: reminders to use the tracker, to practice sessions, to attend an appointment with the health coach, and to start newly added modules

Slide 17

Sample module

The last slide included a sample module video which gave an overview of the program as an example of the program’s weekly modules