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Table 1 Semi-structured interview guide

From: Clinicians’ perspectives and perceived barriers to caring for patients with alcohol use disorder and cirrhosis

1. Can you tell me about your experiences with caring for patients who have AUD and cirrhosis?

2. What are your challenges in providing care for patients with AUD and cirrhosis?

3. What resources do you feel are missing for you to be able to provide optimal care to patients with AUD and cirrhosis?

4. Can you tell me about how allied health (particularly social work and addictions) are involved in the care of a patient with AUD and cirrhosis at your site?

5. Can you tell me about what kind of educational resources would enhance your practice when caring for patients with AUD and cirrhosis?

6. Can you tell me how caring for patients with cirrhosis and AUD has changed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic?