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Table 3 Description of themes identified in the comments entered by pilot test participants when viewing their personal network visualizations

From: Feasibility and acceptability of incorporating social network visualizations into a culturally centered motivational network intervention to prevent substance use among urban Native American emerging adults: a qualitative study 



Example quotes

New insight


This theme includes comments about the participant gaining a new understanding of how network members were connected to each other after viewing their graphs. Comments described insights related to (1) interconnections among network members, (2) insights related to what they noticed about AOD use among members of their network, and (3) insights related to engagement in traditional cultural practices

•“Something I did not realize was how some members of my social network hardly know others or do not really know each other that well. Or how close some are compared to others, now that I see it laid out in front of me now.”

•“What I didn’t realize is how connected everyone is even though they don’t connect all the time. It makes me realize how I might have two lives or separate the people who are in my life.”

•“They are all connected. I did not realize we're all interconnected”

•“I notice that the people that are closest to me are the ones who use drugs.”

•“I think it is interesting to know who does not share or shares my same cultural traditions.”

Made sense


The theme represents a pattern of responses from participants about how the visualizations made sense to them because the visual features were consistent with what they already thought about their network

•“It makes sense that majority of the individuals have connections in some way since I communicate with some individuals which can lead to them sharing with the others and then the others reconnecting with me.”

•“It makes sense, my friends are friends with each other. Other friends don't talk at all with each other.”

Network concepts: network structure


The theme includes a pattern of descriptions of networks that were consistent with concepts used in social network analysis to characterize interconnections among network members

•“Lots of people I know, know others” (density)

•“They are all connected” (density)

•“That was the only reason most of these people had come in contact with another, because of me. Other than that, the people listed that are related had their own contact and connections.” (centrality)

•“My main circle knows the majority of people in my life rather than my people I occasionally talk to” (centrality)

•“Those who I think may use them had a lot more connections to everyone else compared to those who I do not think would use.” (subgroups)

•“I think that my family is isolated from other Native Americans, which make it hard to frequently engage in traditional activities consistently.” (components)

•“The AI/AN people I know are self-contained from the rest of my network.” (components)

•“It makes me realize how I might have two lives or separate the people who are in my life.” (bridging)

Network concepts: network composition


The theme includes a pattern of descriptions of networks that were consistent with concepts used in social network analysis to characterize the types of members of a network. Comments in this theme included mentions of the quantity of people who used or did not use AOD in the network. Also included were respondent comments about high or low proportion of network members who engaged in traditional practices or shared a cultural identity with the participant

•“I notice that the majority of my picture would be likely to use drugs and alcohol”

•“I notice that I have more members of my social network that I do not think will use drugs or alcohol than I do for who I think may use them.”

•“I've noticed how some could feel obligated to, considering how many “likely to’s” are in the direct circle.”

•“I think it’s interesting that each one participates in traditional events in different ways”

•“I notice most of the people I know do not identify as American Indian or Alaskan Native.”

•“The people that are the red big circles are the same ones I'm in constant contact with that would make sense of being able to have an influence or impression on me.”

Network concepts: characteristics of relationships


This theme included comments about the quality of relationships participants had with network members and/or network members had with each other. Although not explicitly visualized, respondents identified patterns of relationship characteristics in the diagrams and noted the factors that tied certain individuals together more strongly than others. Relationship characteristics noted included frequency and recency of contact as well as feelings of closeness

•“The bigger red dots are the people I am in constant contact with.”

•“There are some friends of mine that haven’t talked with one another in some time.”

•“I feel like I have a stronger bond and understanding with my family that holds traditional values.”

•“I notice that most of the individuals likely to use are young adults.”

•“The blue circles are my older family members…that do not drink or party they are all over 35 + and are very involved in ceremony ways.”

•“The others…are Indigenous young people under 25 who are all involved in cultural activities, but I think struggle with sobriety, depression, trauma etc.”

•“Likely to encourage each other.”