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Table 3 Summary of recommendations related to alcohol control policy

From: Improving alcohol health literacy and reducing alcohol consumption: recommendations for Germany



Age of target population

Who will benefit the most from the recommended measure?

Impact on antecendents, attributes or consequences of AHL (see [13])


Reduction of the (spatial/temporal) availability of alcoholic beverages

No restrictions

No restrictions

Antecedents (system and social level)

Consequences (reduced consumption; improved health; reduced underage consumption)


Raising alcohol taxes

No restrictions

Persons with current use, lower effect for persons with high-risk use

Antecedents (system and social level)

Consequences (reduced consumption; reduced under age consumption; improved health)


Bans on alcohol advertising

Technically everyone but effects are mostly restricted to adolescents

No restrictions

Antecedents (system and social level)

Consequences (reduced under age consumption)