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Table 1 Showing the MI/CBT intervention sessions

From: Intervention for alcohol use disorders at an HIV care clinic in Harare: a pilot and feasibility study

Session 1a, 30 min

General life personal goal setting

Alcohol goals

General life personal goal setting

How alcohol use interfere with goals

Session 1b, 30 min

Possible reasons why people drink

Establish you clients’ reasons for drink

Providing personal feedback moving the client towards change

Explaining the implications of drinking on treatment as indicated on CD4 and viral load

Meaning of improvement and the value of a functional life and quality of life

Drinking problems warning signs

Session 2a, 30 min

Use MI to build rapport and develop readiness to change

Assess readiness to change (using readiness ruler)

Assess pros and cons of change (Decision-balance exercise)

Use MI to try and shift participant

Elicit a commitment to change

Session 2b, 30 min

Brief explanation and principles of CBT

Explanation on what triggers, urges and cues are and how they lead to drinking

Discussion on how triggers arise and how they lead to use and effects

Managing thoughts about drink

Session 3a, 30 min




Drink refusals skills


Managing situations were drinking are unavoidable

Session 3a, 30 min

Dealing with specific treatment issues like

 Receiving viral load and CD4 results, treatment problems, losing a spouse, employment threatened by illness, new illness related to the viral infection running out of medication

Session 4, 30 min

Planning future direction

Life is back to normal: Do I drink?

Dealing with anger and criticism

Dealing with failure


Conclusion and planning the future