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Table 2 Frequency of self-reported harms among dependent and non-dependent drinkersa (n = 597)

From: Alcohol dependence in a community sample of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: harms, getting help and awareness of local treatments



n = 17


n = 580


n = 597


n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

Reported a harm

13 (76.5)

149 (25.7)

162 (27.1)

Specific harmsc


 Someone hit me

2 (11.8)

40 (6.9)

42 (7.0)

 Fell down


45 (7.8)

45 (7.5)

 Had road accident

1 (5.9)

6 (1.0)

7 (1.2)

 Money goes on grog

4 (23.5)

64 (11.0)

68 (11.4)

 Kids scared

5 (29.4)

17 (2.9)

22 (6.7)

 Trouble with police

7 (41.2)

33 (5.7)

40 (3.7)

  1. aIndividuals who had any alcohol in the last 12-months
  2. bReported two or more symptoms of alcohol dependence, weekly or more frequently (ICD-11)
  3. cMore than one specific harm could be selected