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Table 1 Description of the research instrument

From: Using intervention mapping for hookah smoking cessation: a quasi-experimental evaluation


No. of Items (Format) in the questionnaire

Scoring (Range)

Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha)

Item Example

(1) Knowledge

Ten items (Multiple Choice Questions)

True/ False/ Don't know


The smoke is purified in the water tank of hookah, so it does not have any harm

(2) Attitudes

15 items (Likert Scale Questions)

Strongly Disagree = 1, Disagree = 2, No idea = 3, Agree = 4, Strongly Agree = 5


HTS is dangerous to my health

(3) Social Norms

20 items (Likert Scale Questions)

Absolutely important = 1, Important = 2, No idea = 3, Unimportant = 4, Absolutely unimportant = 5,


My family and friends expect me to replace a healthier behavior instead of HTS

(4) Self-efficacy

Nine items (Rating Scale Question)

The least (1) to the most (10)


To what extent are you sure about breaking up with HTS friends?

(5) Habit

Seven items (Likert Scale Questions)

Strongly Disagree = 1, Disagree = 2, No idea = 3, Agree = 4, Strongly Agree = 5


As I have smoked hookahs for years, I cannot quit it

(6) Intention

1 Item (Dichotomous Question)

Yes/ No


Do you intend to cease HTS now?

(7) behavior

1 Item (Numeric Text Question)

Number of HTS sessions per week


How often do you smoke hookah in a week?