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Table 2 Measurement-based care qualitative interview question table.

From: The measurement-based care to opioid treatment programs project (MBC2OTP): a study protocol using rapid assessment procedure informed clinical ethnography


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1. Have you used opioids, sedatives, or cocaine in the past 3, 6, or 12 months?

 a. Yes


 b. No


 1a. If yes, how often have you used them?

  a. 5–6 times per week


  b. 3–4 times per week


  c. 2 times per week


  d. 1 time per week


  e. 1–3 times a month


  f. Less often


 1b. Did you inject any of these?

  a. Yes


  b. No


2. Have you drank more than 4 (women) or 5 (men) standard drinks on a single occasion of 2 h or less in the past 3 months? A standard drink consists of…

 c. Yes


 d. No


 2a. If yes, how often did you drink this amount?

  a. 5–6 times per week


  b. 3–4 times per week


  c. 2 times per week


  d. 1 time per week


  e. 1–3 times a month


  f. Less often


3. What typical dose of opioids do you take?


4. Do you use any other opioids?

 a. Yes


 b. No


 What opioids?


5. What is your motivation for seeking the effect of opioids?


6. When do you typically experience symptoms of withdrawal?


7. Where are you typically when you experience symptoms of withdrawal?


8. Do you take any drugs to avoid or manage feelings of withdrawal?

 a. Yes


 b. No


 What drugs?


9. Where do you typically obtain opioids?


10. Do you use opioids with other people?

 a. Yes


 b. No


 What people?


11. What thoughts and beliefs make you want to purchase opioids?


12. Have you ever taken any actions to avoid using opioids?


 c. Yes


 d. No


 Were these actions successful?


  a. Yes


  b. No


 Why or why not?


13. Have you ever experienced problems as a result of the time you have spent to get opioids?

 a. Yes


 b. No


 What kinds of problems?


14. Have you ever had any negative experiences while using opioids or after?

 a. Yes


 b. No


 What were they?


15. How strong is your typical urge to use opioids?

 a. 0—Not at all


 b. 1


 c. 2


 d. 3


 e. 4


 f. 5—Moderate


 g. 6


 h. 7


 i. 8


 j. 9


 k. 10—Extreme


16. What types of situations or feelings cause you to want to use opioids?


17. Have you ever been in any physically dangerous situations while using opioids (for example like driving or operating machinery)?

 a. Yes


 b. No


 What kinds of situations?


18. Do you have any known physical health problems that are affected by your opioid use?

 a. Yes


 b. No


 If so, what are they? How does your opioid use make them worse?


19. Has your opioid use ever impacted your personal roles at home, work, or school?

 a. Yes


 b. No


 If so, what impact has opioid use had on your roles?


20. Has anyone close to you been affected by your opioid use?

 a. Yes


 b. No


21 How often does your opioid use cause problems for you at home, work, or school, or with those close to you?

 a. 5–6 times per week


 b. 3–4 times per week


 c. 2 times per week


 d. 1 time per week


 e. 1–3 times a month


 f. Less often


22. Have you reduced or given up any activities because of your opioid use?

 c. Yes


 d. No


 If so, what activities?


22a. Do you think there’s any way to help you restart these activities?

 a. Yes


 b. No
