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Table 2 Descriptive information

From: Exploring the question of financial incentives for training amongst non-adopters of MOUD in rural primary care


Mean (SD) or %


MD/DO/NP/PA = 92%


Employment duration

< 1 year = 10%

1–3 years = 21%

4–6 years = 16%

7–10 years = 16%

11–20 years = 30%

21–30 years = 4%

30 + years = 4%

Possess waiver

No = 76%

Yes = 24%

Currently prescribe (only those with waiver)

No = 76%

Yes = 24%

Barriers to possessing a waiver (only those without a waiver)

Regulations = 24%

Liability/risk to license = 26%

Lack of skill set/knowledge = 36%

Not financially feasible = 5%

Lack of support from employer = 13%

Lack of patient need/interest = 15%

Other reason = 30%

Interest in immersion training (only those without a waiver)

No = 69%

Yes = 31%

Level of compensation

(only those without a waiver)

$0–1,000 = 21%

$1,001–2,000 = 15%

$2,001–5,000 = 16%

$5,001–10,000 = 9%

> $10,000 = 17%

Non-monetary incentive = 12%

Not interested = 4%

Perceived stigma

Possess Waiver = 1.56 (0.51)

Waivered providers who do not prescribe

MOUD = 1.63 (0.55)

Waivered providers who do prescribe

MOUD = 1.34 (0.26)

No Waiver = 1.92 (0.57)