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Table 2 Perceived quality of work during COVID-19

From: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on burnout and perceived workplace quality among addiction treatment providers

Open-ended responses (n = 72)

Participant quotes

Quality of Work Improved

17 (23%)a

"As unfortunate as COVID has been for our community, it allowed for creativity in our treatment with patients in both maintenance and enrollment. I provide OUD and Narcan training and I have been able to connect with many individuals/facilities through webinars."

 Improved Organization

2 (12%)b

"Due to going mostly virtual, I have had to become much more reorganized to manage everyone that is also virtual."

 More Worktime

3 (18%)b

"I have more time to plan/prepare for sessions and more time to spend with patients."

 Fewer Distractions

3 (18%)b

"Staff can tend to personal needs as well as client's needs more directly, without the distractions and hold-ups of being on-site. Staff prefers to work alone."


12 (71%)b

"Due to loosened telehealth and prescribing limitations."

Quality of Work Decreased

31 (42%)a

"[I] usually am motivated by working with the clients. Just talking to the clients over the phone does not provide for a feeling of accomplishment, on my part. Feel that I could help the client more in their progress through their recovery face to face as compared to through a phone that does not allow you to watch their body language and behaviors."

 Work  Overload/Longer Hours

5 (16%)c

"My workload has increased but productivity with clients has decreased because clients are not returning calls."

 Client Needs & Barriers

19 (61%)c

"I have found it more difficult to challenge clients and broach difficult issues during phone sessions and telehealth sessions. I think this stems from my concern about client safety and a fear that they will terminate session and I have limited recourse to offer support/ensure safety from there. "

 Stressed/Burned Out/Emotionally


5 (16%)c

"I find telehealth and phone sessions more draining. I also feel like there's increased pressure to prove we are remaining productive during COVID."


16 (52%)c

"Constant push to understand telehealth may be the new normal.”

No Difference in Work Quality

24 (32%)a

"No change."

  1. aPercentage out of Total Excerpts (N = 72)
  2. bPercentage out of Parent Code “Quality of Work Increased”
  3. cPercentage out of Parent Code “Quality of Work Decreased”
  4. Subcodes not mutually exclusive (n = 18 assigned more than 1 applicable code)