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Table 3 Perceived enjoyment of work during COVID-19

From: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on burnout and perceived workplace quality among addiction treatment providers

Open-ended responses (n = 80)

Participant quotes

Enjoyment of work decreased

47 (59%)a

"Due to all the changes, the job has been made more difficult as we try to navigate circumstances that are out of our control."

 Less Human Contact/Social Isolation

19 (40%)b

“It is less enjoyable because of lack of personal interaction with colleagues and patients."

 Personal Issues

16 (34%)b

"Working from home has created a very difficult situation in which I am not able to define good boundaries between my work and personal life. Examples would be office phones and emails being forwarded to my personal phone, which could be at any hour."


10 (21%)b

"My company did not have a good plan in place and is not organized or prepared."


17 (36%)b

"Lack of childcare, increased clinical load, decreased ability to work on my research (which is substance use related)."

Enjoyment of Work Increased

17 (22%)a

"It has made me appreciate my job even more than I did before. I love what I do and helping others and seeing the changes and the benefits daily is a wonderful feeling. I think COVID-19 has made people appreciate the smaller things in life more than they did before."

 Commute Time

3 (18%)c

"Enjoyment has increased because of less stress due to commute and finding a parking place and saving on gas and car wear and tear."


15 (88%)c

"Success in adapting care during very challenging times."

No difference in enjoyment of work

16 (20%)a

"I'm still essentially doing what I did while working before the pandemic, so my enjoyment hasn't changed."

  1. aPercentage out of Total Excerpts (N = 80)
  2. bPercentage out of Parent Code “Enjoyment of Work Decreased”
  3. cPercentage out of Parent Code “Enjoyment of Work Increased”
  4. Parent codes for enjoyment of work are not mutually exclusive (n = 10 assigned more than 1 applicable code); Subcodes not mutually exclusive (n = 17 assigned more than 1 applicable code)