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Table 2 Prevalence of probable OUD, mental health disorders, and language in universal screening participants versus EHR

From: Screening for opioid use disorder and co-occurring depression and post-traumatic stress disorder in primary care in New Mexico


Universal Screening Survey (N = 1478)a

Clinic EHR Estimates (N = 740)b

Prevalence Ratio (95% CI)e


n (%)

95% CI

n (%)

95% CI

Total participants consented

1145 (77.5%)c

75.3%, 79.6%




Total participants with probable opioid use disorder

51 (4.5%)d

3.3%, 5.6%

25 (3.4%)

2.1%, 4.7%

1.32 (0.8, 2.11)

Total participants with probable depression

200 (17.5%)d

15.3%, 19.7%

94 (12.7%)

10.3%, 15.1%

1.38 (1.10, 1.73)

Total participants with probable post-traumatic stress disorder

218 (19.0%)d

16.8%, 21.3%

27 (3.6%)

2.3%, 5.0%

5.22 (3.54, 7.70)

Total participants with probable opioid use disorder + co-occurring mental health disorders (depression and/or post-traumatic stress disorder)

27 (2.4%)d

1.5%, 3.2%

6 (0.8%)

0.2%, 1.5%

2.91 (1.21, 7.01)

Total number monolingual Spanish/took survey in Spanish

122 (10.7%)d

8.9%, 12.4%

137 (18.5%)

15.7%, 21.3%

0.58 (0.46, 0.72)

  1. EHR electronic health record
  2. aFor the Universal screening study, this may be an undercount as they were all patients the research staff correctly approached for potential participation. Correctly means the person was age 18 + and was at the clinic for a primary care visit. Some patients may have been missed
  3. bData collected from the EHR was collected over a 1-year period from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. Counts have been divided by 26 to estimate an average 2-week period for comparison to the pilot data
  4. cDenominator is patients correctly approached, N = 1478
  5. dDenominator is patients consented, N = 1145
  6. eBolded values indicate prevalence ratio is statistically significant, assuming a type I error level of 0.05