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Table 4 PROMIS-based Opioid Use Monitor (OUM)

From: Tools to implement measurement-based care (MBC) in the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD): toward a consensus

1. I felt that my opioid use was out of control


2. My desire to use opioids seemed overpowering

0 = Never

3. Opioids were the only thing I could think about

1 = Rarely

4. My opioid use caused problems with people close to me

2 = Sometimes

5. I have an opioid problem

3 = Often

6. I craved opioids

4 = Almost always

7. I spent a lot of time using opioids

  1. Thinking about the past 2 weeks, please select the one best answer for each question. This table was adapted from PROMIS [44, 47] under Public Domain