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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of in-depth interview participants who inject drugs, Kampala, Uganda, 2021–2023 (N = 41)

From: “Take services to the people”: strategies to optimize uptake of PrEP and harm reduction services among people who inject drugs in Uganda


N (%) or Median [IQR]

Program recruitment sites


32 (78)


9 (22)



26 (63)


15 (37)

 Age (years)

29 [25, 33]

Relationship status


15 (37)


18 (44)


8 (19)

Highest level of education


14 (34)


18 (44)


9 (22)


 Has income-generating activity1

28 (68)


10 (25)


3 (7)

 Ever tested for HIV

41 (100)

 No. of years of drug use

8 [5, 13]

Most used drugs2


31 (76)


15 (37)


15 (37)


23 (56)

Use of needle and syringe program (NSP)

 Yes, regularly (almost every time come to the clinic)

13 (32)

 Yes, rarely (about once every three weeks/once a month)

7 (17)


21 (51)

In the last year3

 Used a syringe that had already been used by someone else

  Every day

4 (20)

  A few times a week

2 (10)

  A few times a month

0 (0)

  A few times a year

7 (35)


7 (35)

Let someone else use a syringe that you had already used

 Every day

3 (15)

 A few times a week

6 (30)

 A few times a month

0 (0)

 A few times a year

4 (20)


7 (35)

  1. 1Income generating activities as defined by participants include boda boda driver, hairdresser, businessperson, trader, sex worker, fisherman, shoemaker, physician, musician, etc.
  2. 2Open-ended question about what drugs commonly used; PWID gave multiple responses, as a result percentage total does not equal 100; Other category includes crack, crystal meth, pethidine, cigarettes, etc.
  3. 3Among those that responded yes (N = 20)